Before installing the extension, please make sure to Backup your web directory and store database
- Unzip the extension package file into the root folder of your Magento 2 installation.
- Connect to SSH console of your server:
- Navigate to the root folder of your Magento 2 setup
Run command as per below sequence,
php-f bin/magentomodule:enable Magedelight_Partialpayment
php-f bin/magentosetup:upgrade
php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- Flush store cache
- log out from the backend and log in again
License Configuration
License activation is not required for extension purchased from Magento Marketplace.
After successful installation of Partial Payment extension, you are now required to configure the license key in the admin configuration section. You can set it from:
Step 1: Go to, Admin Control Panel > Stores > Configuration > Magedelight > Partial Payment > License Configuration.
You will find two text boxes asking for Serial Key and Activation Key, which you received on email upon the purchase of extension. See screenshot below:
- Serial Key: Enter Serial Key
- Activation Key: Enter Activation Key
Step 2: Expand “General Configuration” tab, you will find a list of domains for which license is purchased and configured, now select the domain you are going to use, you can select multiple domains by clicking “Ctrl + Select”.
Step 3: Now, select “Yes” from “Enable Module” to enable extension and again click on “Save Config” button on the top right.
Backend Configuration (Admin side)
- Enable Partial Payment On Frontend: This can enable/disable the Partial Payment option at the frontend globally.
- Additional Payment Amount Type: Here, you can manage the additional payment for all the products, which are checked in the user configuration setting. This can be a Fixed/Percentage value.
- Additional Payment Amount: If additional payment type is set to,
- Percentage, then this field should content value from 1 to 100 only. This amount reflects the additional charges in percentage value for the particular product price, for all products.
- Fixed, then the added amount will be charged as fix price added here for all the products.
- Initial Payment Amount Type: Here you can manage the initial payment for all the products that are checked in the user configuration settings. This can be Fixed/Percentage.
- Initial Payment Amount: If Initial payment type is set to o Percentage, this field should contain a value from 1 to 100 only. This will be the initial payment amount in percentage price for all products. o Fixed, added amount will be charged as fix price added here for all the products. This will be the first installment with partial payment checkout.
- Frequency of Payment: Can set the frequency of the installment to be paid for a particular item as weekly, monthly or quarterly.
- Terms and Conditions: Can select the terms and conditions (which are created under admin > sales > terms and condition section). Selected T&C will be visible on product detail page as T&C to use Partial Payment.
- No. Of Installments: Set the number of installments for partial payment.
- Allowed Customer Groups: Select the customer groups to be allowed for the partial payment. Another section under the admin configuration is the “Email configuration setting”, where you can manage the email template, Email recipient and email copy that needs to send on a particular customer's email address for installment schedule, installment reminder and payment status email. Admin can also setup the number of days before admin needs to send installment reminder email to the customer.
Backend Functionality
Frontend Functionality
Click here to visit product detail page.
Click here to visit frontend.
Click here to visit backend admin panel.
Sample Data
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