Before installing the extension, please make sure to Backup your web directory and store database
You will require to install MageDelight Base Extension first. If it is not installed then please download it from and unzip the package file into the root folder of your Magento 2 installation.
Root Directory is - "app/code/magedelight/#YourExtensionName#"
- Unzip the extension package file into the root folder of your Magento 2 installation.
- Connect to SSH console of your server:
- Navigate to the root folder of your Magento 2 setup
Run command as per below sequence,
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:clean
- log out from the backend and log in again
If you are using Magento 2.3 or later then you do not need to activate license. Extension will be activated with silent activation mechanism and does not require activation keys to be entered manually.
Backend Configuration (Admin side)
- Enable Geolocator: Enable/Disable geolocator module..
In Stock at Store: Displays label when the product is available for purchase at the specified store.
Out of Stock at Store: Displays label when the product is not available at the specified store.
PickUp available at Store: Displays label when the product is available for pickup at the specified store.
PickUp not available at Store: Displays label when the product is not available for pickup at the specified store.
Store is Closed: Displays label when the store is currently closed and unavailable for in-person visits.
Backend Functionality
- Manage all the stores you create through the "Manage Store" grid. To access this, navigate to Magedelight → Store Locator/Pickup → Manage Store. Here, you can view existing stores and add new ones. To create a new store, simply click on the 'Add New Store' button.
Frontend Functionality
Once you configured the extension and create time slots to schedule delivery date, customer will have option at checkout to schedule delivery dates.
Checkout Page
Customer will get option on checkout for scheduling delivery based on admin configuration. If admin has set calendar view, customer will able to choose date for delivery day. Kindly refer below image,
Time slot option for customer to schedule delivery date, customer can view all available time slot for enable days, refer below image,
Customer will also have option to add comment for delivery schedule, if have any specific comment and have option to mark call me before delivery.
Based on the time selected slot customer can be charge for schedule delivery. Delivery charges will added to order summary with separate line item,
Gift wrapper at My Order Section:
The customer will be able to see the schedule delivery details, on order summary page.
Edit delivery date from frontend after order placement
Customers can change the delivery date after the order has been placed. Go to customer My Account > My orders > View Order.
At the end, find the option to edit the delivery date.
Admin will be notified for the change in delivery date.
As per standard Magento functionality once the order generated, order amount / delivery charges cannot be changed/modified from admin panel.
Thank you for choosing MageDelight!