You will require to install MageDelight Base Extension first. If it is not installed then please download it from and unzip the package file into the root folder of your Magento 2 installation.
Before installing the extension, please make sure to Backup your web directory and store database
You will require to install MageDelight Base Extension first. If it is not installed then please download it from and unzip the package file into the root folder of your Magento 2 installation.
Root Directory is - "app/code/magedelight/#YourExtensionName#"
Unzip the extension package file into the root folder of your Magento 2 installation.
Connect to SSH console of your server:
Navigate to the root folder of your Magento 2 setup
Run command as per below sequence,
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:clean
log out from the backend and log in again
If you are using Magento 2.3 or later then you do not need to activate license. Extension will be activated with silent activation mechanism and does not require activation keys to be entered manually.
Backend Configuration (Admin side)
Enable: Option to disable/enable the Digital Marketing Campaign Tracker extension feature.
Cookie Consent Based Tracking: Select "Yes" if you would like to enable tracking cookies.
Cookie Life in Days: Set a positive integer value to validate the lifespan of the cookie in the campaign tracker extension.
Campaign Track For: Select the pages from the list where you would like to implement tracking for the campaign.
Store View: Select the store view from the list where you would like the campaign tracker to be implemented.
Enable Email : Option to disable/enable the email feature for the module.
Email From: Select an option from the drop-down list for the email sender.
Email To :Set the email address of the administrator who will send emails to customers.
Email Template: Option toselect the suitable templates for the email template from the drop down list.
Enable Clear Logs:Select "Yes" to clear logs
Click Here: Click the "Clear Logs" button to remove the logs.
Default Chart: Select the default chart option from the drop-down list for chart representation.
Default Chart Period: select the default chart period option from the drop-down list for chart validation.
Is Chart Multi Color: Choose whether the chart color should be displayed in multiple colors or not.
Default Chart Color: Select the color for the default chart.
Backend Functionality
Abandoned Cart Rules
Add New Rule: Add new rule for abandoned cart by clicking on "Add New Rule" button.
View, edit and delete the rule from Abandoned Cart Rule grid.
Select condition to cancel rule, you can select multiple conditions
Store View: Select store view to apply rule
Customer Groups: Select customer group to apply rule
Email Template: Select email template to send scheduled email
Hour: Specify hour to schedule email
Minutes: Specify minute to schedule email
Seconds: Specify seconds to schedule email
Send Coupon: Set "Yes" if you want to send coupon with email
Select Rule: Select rule to apply on scheduled email
Action Delete: Click on delete button to perform delete action on scheduled email
When there is short time between first email and remainder email then both email will be sent simultaneously at same time which is inappropriate
Apply the rule only if the following set conditions are met (leave blank for all products)
Abandoned Cart Blacklist
You can see all the emails added as blacklist (not to send email), you have advanced search capabilities and options to edit and delete records
Customer Email ID : Specify customer email address to add to blacklist
Website : Select website to apply blacklist rule
Abandoned Cart Email Queue
Abandoned Cart History
You can see all the emails sent to customers, you have advanced search capabilities and options to resend emails.