If you already have extension license for a single production domain and you require more than one production domain then, you can purchase our “add-on” domains from,


Please follow below steps to make a purchase of add-on domains,

  1. Order Number: Enter your order number
  2. Select Extension: Now, Select extension for which you require add-on domain
  3. Select Number of Domains: Now, Select number of add-on domains you want to purchase for selected domain
  4. You can add production and development domains by clicking on button “ADD DOMAINS”,

    You can also add/update domains after purchase of add-on domains by raising a support ticket,

  5. On click of “ADD DOMAINS”, it will open a popup as below,

  6. You can see the amount in “Price” label for which you need to make payment

  7. Click on “BUY NOW” to make checkout for extension, it will redirect to cart page.
    Payment: You can make payment using PayPal (PayPal has two options, you can choose either your existing PayPal account or Credit Card/Debit Card)

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