Before installing the extension, please make sure to back up your web directory and store the database
- Unzip the extension package file into the root folder of your Magento 2 installation.
- Connect to SSH console of your server:
- Navigate to the root folder of your Magento 2 setup
Run command as per the below sequence,
php -f bin/magento setup: upgrade
php -f bin/magento module: enable Magedelight_ProductFeeds
php -f bin/magento setup:static-content: deploy
- Flush store cache
- log out from the backend and log in again
Backend Configuration (Admin side)
- Enable : Enable/ Disable Quick order extension.
- File Instruction for upload: Specify customized instruction message for CSV file upload to display on frontend
Frontend Functionality
- SKU: Specify SKU to place an order
- Please enter SKU to get product detail,
Thank you for choosing MageDelight!