Enable: Select "Yes" to activate the extension and use the functionality.
Cookie Consent-Based Tracking: Enable this to prevent data from being sent to Reddit until the customer gives consent for cookies.
Enable Deferred Script Load: Set "Yes" to trigger events on user actions like touch, scroll, and click.
Product Identifier: Select the appropriate product identifier from the dropdown list.
Share Categories: Set "Yes" to share category data with the Facebook Reddit pixel.
Enable Logs: If enabled, you can view all frontend event data sent to Facebook Reddit in the Admin Real-time Grid Entry.
Enable: Set "Yes" to enable the cron for the Facebook Reddit pixel
Auto-Delete Logs Older than Days; Enter a positive integer to define the number of days after which logs will be automatically deleted.
CRON Frequency: Select the desired CRON frequency from the options: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
CRON Time: Set the time at which the CRON will run to auto-clean the logs.
Backend Functionality
Manage Pixel ID
Manage all pixel IDs that you create via the Manage Pixel IDs grid. Please navigate toMagedelight → Reddit Pixel → Manage Pixel IDsto explore the grid and add new pixel IDs. Click'Add New Pixel 'to link a new pixel with the Facebook Reddit account from the Magento backend or click'Select'on the grid to edit the existing one.
: Set 'Yes' to enable the pixel.
Success Page Order Total: Select the type of total (Grand Total or Sub Total) from the drop-down list.
Exclude Orders with Zero Value: Set 'Yes' to exclude orders with a zero value.
In the event section, you can choose which parts of your store you'd like to track using the events. Enable the events that you need by selecting 'Yes' from the option where needed.
Real-Time Logs
The Real-Time Logs grid displays a comprehensive overview of all the active events, along with detailed information about each event. This includes metrics such as ID, Event Name, Created_At, and Action to view many other associated details, allowing for efficient monitoring and management of ongoing activities.