If you have not purchased extension yet, then, visit https://www.magedelight.com/and search for your desired extension to make purchase of an extension,
Step 1: Select your Magento Edition, either “Community” or “Enterprise”
Step 2: Provide your “Production Website” domain without www/http/https. (Only 1 allowed)
Step 3: Provide your “Development Website” domain without www/http/https. (Only 1 allowed) i.e. domain1.com, domain2.co.in, etc. in lowercase. You can raise a support ticket to add more development domains. http://support.magedelight.com
Step 4: Select support period, if you are looking for extended support service
Step 5: Select additional domain license, if you need more than one production domain
Step 6: Check “Installation Service” if you are looking for installation service from MageDelight’s expert
Step 7: Click on “BUY NOW” to make checkout for extension, it will redirect to cart page.
Payment: You can make payment using PayPal
(PayPal has two options, You can choose either your existing PayPal account or Credit Card/Debit Card)
Indian customers can not make purchase using PayPal.