Backend Functionality
Manage Influencers Section |
Panel |

- Profile Image: Display the Image for the Influencer profile.
- Customer Email: Display the email ID for the Influencer profile.
- Name: Display the name of the Influencer profile.
- Website Name: Display the Website name for the Influencer profile
- Is Featured: Display the option to feature an Influencer profile.
- Sort Order: Display the order for the Influencer profile.
- Status: Display the option for Active/Inactive Influencer profile.
- Created: Displays the date when the menu is created.
- Modified: Displays the date when the menu is modified.
- Action: Option feature to edit, delete, view looks, and add new Look for the influencer profile.
Add Influencer Panel |

- Search: You can search for the customer based on the website name, ID, and Email.
- Next: After selecting the customer click on the next button.
Panel |

- Profile Image: Upload the Image for the Influencer profile.
- Display Name: Add the name you want to show for the Influencer profile.
- Is Featured: Option to select the feature to be displayed or not for the i
- Sort Order: Set the order for the Influencer profile.
- Description: Add the description for the influencer profile.
Edit Influencer Profile
Section |
Panel |

- Profile Image: Edit the Image for the Influencer profile.
- Display Name: Edit the name you want to show for the Influencer profile.
- Is Featured: Option to select the feature to be displayed or not for the i
- Sort Order: Set the order for the Influencer profile.
- Description: Edit the description for the influencer profile.
- Inactive: Option to Active/Inactive the Influencer profile
- View Look: Click on the view look button to view the look for the influencer profile.
- Add New Look: Click the button to add a new look to the influencer profile.
- Save Profile: Click on the save profile button to save the changes for the influencer profile.
View Look Section |
Panel |

- Preview Image: Display the Image for the Influencer look.
- Title: Display the name you want to show for the Influencer look.
- Sort Order: Display the order of sorts for an influencer look.
- No of LIke: Display the number of likes for the influencer look.
- Add Look: Click on the button to add the look.
Add New Look Panel |

- : Display the name you want to show for the Influencer look.
- Description: Add the description for the new look.
- Look Image: Select an option to upload an image or choose from the gallery for the influencer look.
- Map Products: Select categories and products to associate with the new influencer look.
- Sort Order: Specify the order in which the influencer look should be displayed.
Edit Look Panel |
Image Added
- : Edit the name you want to show for the Influencer look.
- Description: Edit the description for the new look.
- Look Image: Edit the selected option to upload an image or choose from the gallery for the influencer look.
- Map Products: Edit the selected categories and products to associate with the new influencer look.
- Sort Order: Specify the order in which the influencer look should be displayed.
- Inactive: Option to Active/Inactive the Influencer look.
- Save Look: Click on the save look button to save the changes for the influencer look.
Delete Look Request Section |
Panel |

- Preview Image: Display the Image for the Influencer look.
- Title: Display the name you want to show for the Influencer look.
- No of LIke: Display the number of likes for the influencer look.
- Action: Approve or reject the influencer's request to delete the look.
Influencers Wise Order- Item Purchase Report Panel |

- It will show details of Influencer-wise Order Item Purchase Report Details
Influencer Report Panel |

- It will show details of Influencer-wise Look, Likes, and Followers Report Details.