- Step 1
- Navigate to https://console.cloud.google.com/ and select an existing project or create a new one
- At the top of the screen, search for Analytics API
- Enable the API
- Step 2
- On the same Google Analytics API page, go to Credentials
- Click the Create Credentials button, and then from the menu, select API key
- Step 3
- On the same Google Analytics API page, go to the OAuth consent screen
- Fill in the App name, User support email, and Developer contact information fields
- Click the Save and continue button until the last page, Summary, without changing anything on Scopes and Optional info subpages
- Step 4
- Click the Create Credentials button, and then from the menu, select OAuth client ID
- Select Web Application, enter Name and paste the Authorized redirect URIs from your MainWP Dashboard > Extensions > Google Analytics > Add Account page, and click the Create button
- Step 5
- On the Credentials page, click Click Download OAuth client to your computer for later
- Step 6
- Click the OAuth consent screen, then click Publish App button & click Confirm Button
- Step 7
- Locate the Credentials you saved to your computer & open them in a text editor of your choice.
- Navigate to MainWP > Extensions > Google Analytics > Add Account
- Enter your Credentials & click Connect Account
- Step 8
- Select Your Google Analytics Account
- Click Continue to give consent to your MainWP Dashboard
- Click Advanced on the SSL Warning ( don’t worry about this – you’re ok )
- Click Goto Unsafe Website.
Done: Please check the Manage Accounts tab to verify a successful connection Important Notes: If the process keeps failing for you, please try a different browser and ensure that any ad-blocker add-ons in your browser are disabled. |