Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Backend Configuration (Admin side)



  • Enable: Enable/Disable gift hamper extension by selecting Yes/No Values.
  • Fill Hamper Calculation Based On: Set the option to calculate the hamper size based on quantity or the dimensions ( L*W*H); only one option can be used at a time.
  • Allowed Add To Cart: If the hamper size is calculated based on dimensions (Length x Width x Height), users can only set a minimum percentage for adding the hamper to the cart after meeting the specified criteria.


  • Custom Label: Enable/Disable gift hamper extension by selecting Yes/No ValuesYou can set labels for selecting the hamper, choosing its size, and filling it, with descriptions for each step that will be displayed on the frontend.


Backend Functionality


Manage Gift Wrap Categories

You will be having an option to manage the categories under menu Gift wrapper. Here you can see the all the added categories listing and option to add new category, shown as below:


Add New Category


  • Gift Category Name: Define the gift category name.
  • Sort Order: Give the sort order to display the categories in required order.
  • Status: Set the category status to Enabled/Disabled.

Manage Gift Wrappers

You can manage gift wrappers pricing, image, category and other useful details here. You can Enabled/Disabled any gift wrapper by just selecting the status as Enabled/Disabled for the required gift wrapper.


Add New Gift Wrapper


  • Gift wrapper Name: Define as per your requirement
  • Price: Define Price of Gift wrapper.
  • Image: Image to be displayed for gift wrapper.
  • Sort Order: Give the sort order to display gift wrapper at suitable position in listing.
  • Special instruction: Write any detailed information or instruction about gift wrapper for users. This would get displayed on frontend below each wrapper.
  • Category: Assign gift wrapper to particular category (categories could be managed via Manage Categories).
  • Status: Enabled/Disabled gift wrapper.

Enable gift wrapper option for products

On successfully installing extension, It will create new product attribute called Allow gift wrapper, with value Yes/No. Admin can Enable/Disable particular product for gift wrap options. Please refer below example,

