Allowed Customer Groups: Merchant can select customer group to allow feature of store credit to be used. You can select multiple customer groups by select using “Ctrl”.
Currency value equal to: Merchant can specify the value of store credit when it is used for buying or selling. I.e. $1 = 10 points
Allow customer to buy/refill credit points: Merchant can specify Yes/No to allow customer to buy or refill credit point. If you have set “No” then customer cannot refill store credits.
Refill credit Points on Order placed Email Template: Merchant can specify email template to be used to send an email on successful refill of credit points.
Gift Receiver Email Template: Select an email template to be send to gift receiver on receiving credit points as gift.
Gift Sender Email Template: Select an email template to be send to gift sender on sending credit points as gift.
Minimum Purchase Limit: Merchant can specify minimum purchase of store credit from here for customer.
Maximum Purchase Limit: Merchant can specify maximum purchase of store credit from here for customer.
Credit/Debit by Admin Email Template: Merchant can specify email template to be used to send an email to send transnational mails.
Allow customer to send store credit to friends: Merchant can enable/disable to allow customer to send store credit to friends or not.
Receive Credit Value on Order: Merchant can specify how many credit points, customer will receive on placing of an order.
Credit on order placed email template: Merchant can select email template to be used on credit/debit of point when order will be placed.
Minimum redeem value: Merchant can specify minimum credit points, customer can redeem on placing of an order.
Maximum redeem value: Merchant can specify maximum credit points, customer can redeem on placing of an order.
Redeem points on Order placed Email Template:Merchant can select email template to be used on credit/debit of point will be redeemed..
Credit on order cancelled email template: Merchant can select email template to be used on credit/debit of point when order will be cancelled.
Debit Earned points on Order cancelled Email Template: Merchant can select email template to be used on debit of earned point when order will be cancelled.
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Credit Point to user on Registration: Merchant can specify amount of point to be credited to user on successful registration.
Credit email template: Merchant can select email template to be used on credit of point when user will successfully register with store.
Credit point to user on Newsletter Subscription: Merchant can specify amount of point to be credited to user on successful subscription of newsletter.
Credit email template: Merchant can select email template to be used on credit of point when user will successfully subscribe for newsletter.
Review Credit Points: Merchant can specify the way to credit points,
On approval – Store Credit will be credited on approval of review
Direct credit – Store Credit will be credited on posting of review
Credit points to user on product review rating: Merchant can specify number of points to be credited to user on review/rating of product.
Credit email template: Merchant can select email template to be used on credit of point when user will successfully post review/rating.
Pagination Frame: Merchant can specify number of records per frame to display transaction history on frontend /buyer account.