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- Enable Module: Set "Yes" to enable the module/extension. It will enable Store Credit for your store.
- Include Tax amount to store credit: Select "Yes" if you want to include tax amount in store credit transaction.
- Include Shipping to store credit: Select "Yes" if you want to include shipping amount in store credit transaction.
- Auto Apply Store Credit if exist: Select "Yes" if you want to include existing store credit amount in transaction.
- Enable Refund to Store Credit: Select "Yes" if you want to take refund amount in store credit transaction.
- Set default refund as Store Credit: Set "Yes" if you want your refund amount in store credit by default.
- Show Store Credit Balance in Top Link: Set "Yes" if you want to see your store credit balance at the top of the website.
- Allowed Customer Groups: Select customer groups to give access to store credit functionality.
- Custom Label to show: Set label on customer my account page.
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- Allow customer to load store credit: Select "Yes" if you want to allow customer to add money from card to the store credit balance.
- Allowed Minimum Credit: Merchant can set minimum amount to be added by the user in the store credit balance.
- Allowed Maximum Credit: Merchant can set maximum amount to be added by the user in the store credit balance.
- Allow to load in specific of: Merchant can specify that users can add money to their store credit balance but in a multiple of 100 and it should be less than or equal to 1000.
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- Allow customer to send credit to friend: Select "Yes" if you want to allow customer to send credit to friends.
- Allowed Minimum Credit: Merchant can set minimum amount for users to send credit to friends.
- Allowed Maximum Credit: Merchant can set maximum amount for users to send credit to friends.
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- Enable: Select "Yes" to enable new users' registration for promotions and cashbacks.
- Amount: Merchant can specify amount of point to be credited to user on successful registration
- Expired within days: Merchant can set number of days within amout point will be passed away.
- On New Order (After Invoice): Merchant can set condition and rules by clicking on the link for users.
- Enable: Select "Yes" to enable for product review and rating by users.
- Amount: Merchant can specify amount of point to be credited to user on successful subscription of newsletter.
- Expired within days: Merchant can set number of days within amount limit will be passed away.
- Enable: Select "Yes" to enable for product review and rating by users.
- Amount: Merchant can specify number of points to be credited to user on review/rating of product.
- Expired within days: Merchant can set number of days within amount limit will be passed away.
- Credit When: Merchant can set rule for amount credit in the user's store credit by selecting the given options.
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- Enable store credit on store front: Select "Yes" to enable store credit amount point on store front.
- Minimum order apply to store credit: Merchant can specify minimum credit points to which customer is eligible for apply on store credit.
- Apply Store Credit with Cart Price Discounts: Select "Yes" to enable to combine store credit point with cart price discount for customers.
- Maximum Store Credit to be used: Merchant can specify the way store credit to be used,
- Fixed – Store Credit will be used as fixed amount.
- Percentage – Store Credit will be used as percentage amount.
- Store Credit amount to be used: Merchant can specify amount; customer can redeem on placing of an order.
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- Enable store credit on admin: Select "Yes" to enable store credit amount point on admin.
- Minimum order apply to store credit: Merchant can specify minimum credit points to which customer is eligible for apply on admin.
- Apply Store Credit with Cart Price Discounts: Select "Yes" to enable to combine store credit point with cart price discount for admin.
- Maximum Store Credit to be used: Merchant can specify the way store credit to be used,
- Fixed – Store Credit will be used as fixed amount.
- Percentage – Store Credit will be used as percentage amount.
- Store Credit amount to be used: Merchant can specify amount; admin can redeem on placing of an order.
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- Enable Email Notification: Select "Yes" to enable email notification to users.
- Email Sender: Select users' groups to send emails notification.
- Add CC: Merchant can set email id for carbon copy of emails.
- Add BCC: Merchant can set email id for blind carbon copy of emails.
- Store Credit balance update email: By default, store credit balance amount will be sent to the users on email.